This is a bit of a follow up/ extra piece of information about the "Sauder Scandal"
Someone defaced the Sauder building in a pretty vocal way. Check it out here.
We talked about the scandal in my sociology class using the "sociological imagination." This basically means to think of it as what's wrong with society not what's wrong with these individuals. Sauder's dean passed off this rape chant to blame a few bad seeds and that's looking at it in a psychological sense, not a sociological sense. The sociologists would say that this didn't happen because of a few bad seeds, this happened because we live in a society that condones rape culture and that's the problem.
For example, if we were to punish those bad seeds, it doesn't mean that this chant would disappear and it wouldn't exactly make anything better. What we need to look at is rape culture and how to fix rape culture and so, how our society looks at it and so on and so forth.
There are huge issues like this at the root at every individual's problems. Problems such as addiction, divorce, even teen pregnancy. None of those are individual's problems, those are all SOCIETY'S problems.
Sociology is pretty trippy and crazy and really difficult to understand most of the time but it's my favourite class so far.
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