Wednesday, September 04, 2013

First Day of Classes

Well, I'm not stressed out yet but I definitely am tired. The day started out with me going to Staples, which is about a fifteen minute (hilly) walk from our house, I was going to get notebooks. Anyway, I picked out all my pens and notebooks and everything and then when I got up to the till to pay I realized I had forgotten my debit card in purse... IT WAS SO ANNOYING.
I had to walk all the way back to the house, then all the way back and then to the bookstore and then back to my house again to drop off all the books and then to my class. It ended up taking about an hour but, by the end of it I was pretty much a sweaty mess.
My first class was french and seriously, what a gag. It was so difficult and strange to here the language again and I only understood about a quarter of what she said. The teacher seems really nice though and I'm hoping for the best.
The rest of my classes were just whatever. Classes. Mostly going over syllabuses and the teacher giving us a little information about themselves. It was definitely a very different feeling than high school and all of my classes are only fifty minutes long, which I kind of like actually.
Tomorrow I only have one class, sociology! We'll see how it goes but for now, I have some readings to do, a writing assignment and some sleep to catch up on.

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