Friday, August 30, 2013

The Start

Admittedly, I've been MIA for the last two weeks and I apologize for that. There are two reasons why I disappeared, one being a trip to Los Angeles to visit my aunt and uncle and the second being because I've been so ridiculously busy packing up to move into dorms.
My trip to Los Angeles was perfect. We even had the chance to visit Malibu and go to the most lovely beach, we even saw a mermaid. I ate good food, have good adventures, scooped up some sweet deals and most importantly, spent some really quality time with my uncle before embarking onto the next phase of my life. I wish I could go into more depth but I don't have the time right now.
Also, today I start my journey into the great unknown. I'm almost packed up, I think I might have brought too much but we'll see. Right now I have two big boxes, a hockey back, a smaller box and a suitcase filled with clothes, shoes, food, utensil, etc,. I'll post a list within the next few days detailing exactly what I've brought.
Tonight my family and I are going to Vancouver to stay over night and to have a bit of bonding time before I move into dorms. Tomorrow morning I'll move into Vanier, unpack, all that jazz and we'll see how it goes.
Until then, wish me luck!

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