Thursday, August 08, 2013


Well I was MIA on the blog, I turned eighteen. This specific birthday is meant to be a milestone in a young person's life, their "entrance into adulthood." That is all fine and everything but quite honestly, I don't understand why. Sure, I get to vote but the next election isn't for another two years! Of course, I can now by porn, drink in Alberta and gamble in some states but other than that, I have to pay an extra few dollars at the local movie theatre, more taxes are taken off my paychecks and I'm only getting older. 
I'd rather not get any older. 
Another thing that has been on my mind lately has been how short life is and how we only have one. Since I'll be attending university in the fall I've had to consider "life options" and such, and you know what? There is way too much stuff I want to do to be able to fit it all in in one life span. For instance, I want to open a cute cafe, be a journalist, become prime minister, get into marketing, photograph for Vogue, have cute children, go to Paris, live in New York, Toronto and London, speak fluent French, have Quebecois friends, grow my own vegetables, open an Etsy account, have pretty friends that go shopping with me, run marathons, and a ton of other things. How am I supposed to fit all of this in? If God is real, then I despise him for making me a mere mortal. 

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