Today I was pulled out of class because the super intendant of my school district wanted to talk to me. I'm a member of the education board in my school district. Basically, I go to meetings every few months, give opinions on things in my school district and get on the good side of the people who run our schools. It's pretty awesome. I really enjoy it, it's an interesting mixture between politics, education and issues like bullying. It also gives me insight on plans within the school district. The point is, she came to talk to me about a student forum. It's about 50 kids that get together for half a day and discuss how they think their education should be taught to me. It's about individualized learning and all of that stuff. A whole different way of thinking and teaching. Something that anyone could benefit from! For instance, if you're one of those people who would rather do projects on different subjects to earn your grade then you can! If you'd rather read a textbook then take a test, you can do that too! It's suited for you, to help you succeed. It's perfect for a school like Hope Sec where almost half of the student population is failing or about to fail, where education has been looked at the same way since the '70's and where the teaching staff simply don't understand what it's like to be you.
One of my favorite things in the world is yearbook. It is so absolutely and wonderfully interesting. I get to write, take pictures, design, all sorts of things. Yearbook inspires me on so many levels. I can't say enough about it. Our theme this year was chosen by yours truly and so, I've taken on a lot of the responsibility. Including creating the dividers between sections. I set up a little photo shoot for the Mug Shot divider (mug shots are those things that they take on picture day that everyone always dreads), there's three pictures on the divider and I'm going to post my favorite one because I just think it's so beautiful. It's a 1987 yearbook from my school which they called "Despair '87" isn't that strange? Here it is:
I've been having my tea with cinnamon lately. Pretty yummy.
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