Sunday, January 12, 2014

An Unlucky Beginning

If someone were to ask me how the beginning of 2014 has been so far, I would tell them it has started off very very unlucky. Here is a list of the crappy things that have happened to me so far, all of which has made it very hard to continue being an aspiring optimist.
1. I forgot my razor at home.
2. My water bottle spilled all over my backpack into my new books and now those books smell funny and the books STILL aren't dry.
3. Kevin and I went to see the Wolf of Wall Street and it was sold out.
4. No yoga.
5. The strap on my umbrella that you are supposed to put around your wrist, BROKE.
6. I got a stain on my new shirt.
7. Last night I spilled spaghetti sauce on my WHITE sheets.
8. My political science class got cancelled on Friday.
9. The cafeteria has been out of earl grey tea for the last four days.

BUT, at least I'm not stuck in the middle of some monstrous weather vortex and can go outside without having to put on an extra 30 pounds of clothing on and at least I am enjoying my classes and professors. I also found out that Mad Men begins again in April so that's good and I got to see my Nana and Fred last night and eat yummy food. There are also a lot of puppies on campus right now so that's nice and I am not sick anymore and my family is in good health especially Papa, Gloria and Gordon because they get to be in Mexico. It is not so bad I suppose, just a little unlucky.

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